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Fresh Ginger

Fresh Gingers we deal in have been loaded with antioxidants, which are the compounds that can do away with the stress and damage to DNA of body. These edibles can fight off several chronic diseases.


Leather Products
Leather products are highly appreciated due to various qualities such as its strength, durability, water and fire proof. These products look very stylish and are immensely demanded in the market.
Fresh Red Onion

Fresh Red Onion we deal in are included with several antioxidants. These are helpful in boosting the immunity and allow for a healthy digestive system. In addition, these allow for advanced hair growth.

Green Chilli

Green Chilli are included with several antimicrobial properties which enable healthy skin. These also help in weight loss and boost the taste of several curries and recipes.


Vegetables we deal in are in their fresh state. These are included with analgesic properties and make an anti-inflammatory action. The veggies can be added into several soups and stews.

Fresh Fruits

Fresh Fruits we deal in are included with beneficial nutrients, such as folate, potassium, vitamin C etc. The fruits allow for healthy diet and can deal with the problems of obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes.

Fresh Corn

Fresh Corn are rich in fiber and reduce blood pressure and cholesterol. These are used to make several starters, snacks and healthy recipes. The corn can be boiled and steamed, as required.


Pulses are enriched with lot of protein and fiber. These suffice as the significant source of minerals, vitamins iron, zinc, magnesium and folate. These have been made to boost the diet quality by rising the consumption of aforementioned nutrients.

We accept only bulk quantity orders.